Fighting with the post editor
As soon as I start a code-oriented blog I find out that the WordPress post editor doesn’t have a
keyboard shortcut for applying <code/>
to selected text.. Bah!
I’m looking for a few ways around this:
- An external editor (web-based or otherwise) which supports auto-conversion of markdown into html and uploads to
- Chrome extension or userscript to hack in an additional
keyboard shortcut for the TinyMCE editor used by WP.
Relevant links:
- - Seems to suggest a keyboard shortcut
for insertion of
does exist, but I couldn’t get it to work in Mac Chrome 24.0.1312.52. -
Update 2013-01-21
I found a number of useful projects on which I could build the chrome extension I’d mentioned above, including marked and EpicEditor, but then I landed on Octopress and may have to migrate there. What’s not to love about a blogging framework you have complete control over and can host directly on Github?